The nonprofit Heritage Preservation Trust was formed in 2006 and acquired Lilian Place in 2009.
This beautiful Victorian is the original home of one of the founding families of Daytona.
Lilian Place is now a wonderful 1884 Victorian Museum open for tours.
In 2012, the Trust acquired the 1905 Historic Hotchkiss House original home of
Eli Hotchkiss "the Stapler King" and is now the Lilian Place Heritage Center cultural event site.
Both historic properties were saved through
Volusia County ECHO grants with partial funding from Volusia County Cultural grants.
These are two of the oldest and finest examples
of late nineteenth century architecture
on Daytona beachside.
Step into the past for a tour of Lilian Place the oldest grand home on Daytona beachside
or join us for a little social time with friends at an
Afternoon Tea or Paranormal Investigations at Lilian Place
Visit Lilian's Honey Bee Yard (apiary) and Halifax River Blueway access
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